DACE – Dance Art Critical Ecology

The curators Rickard Borgström and Rebecca Chentinell are launching a new platform for curatorial and choreographic work. The platform explores post-anthropocentric world views and various ideas by inviting artists who work with their bodies in various ways. This will be done through an intertwining and exploration of different ecologies as well as paraphrases of dance, choreography, and contexts. Through artistic practices the consequences of our actions are explored through political, technological, and environmental perspectives.

The collaboration will operate in Färgfabriken’s project rooms as part of Färgfabriken’s Open studio program of fall 2021, which during this time functions as sattelite to the Symbiosis-exhibtition. Together with two international artists, both working with the body and queer methods to create transgressive relationships, they will expand our understanding of human ecology, in a project called Symbiosis – Erotics. Together with the invited artists Zheng Bo och Geumhyung Jeong they examine the border land between curatorial and choreographic practice.

Invited artists

Zheng Bo
(b. 1974, Beijing lives and works on Lantau Island, Hong Kong).
He is committed to more-than-human vibrancy investigating the past and imagines the future from the perspectives of marginalized communities and marginalized plants. He creates weedy gardens, living slogans, eco-queer films, and wanwu workshops to cultivate ecological wisdom beyond the Anthropocene extinction.

Geumhyung Jeong
(b. 1980, Seoul, lives and works in Seoul, South Korea).
The sculptures, installations, video works and dance performances by Geumhyung Jeong are at once as tender as dire. Her work can be described as studies of technological animism, by adapting various objects; from medical equipment, domestic technology to DIY-robotic, with which she intra-acts in idiosyncratic dance performances.

Rickard Borgström [FI] curator/dramaturg/writer, works in the intersection of contemporary art, dance, and theatre. Primarily active in the Nordic region at various institutions.

Rebecca Chentinell [SE] Curator / Choreographer / Dancer / Editor, works investigatory and in alternative ways in order to produce and present dance and choreography, through both dance and visual art. She is active in multiple collaborations and several institutions.