Marvels & Catastrophes – Renewal and Metamorphosis
Open Studio
Projektrummen, Färgfabriken
Renewal and Metamorphosis is the final in a series of 4 movements proposed by R-Lab concerning the major transformations affecting today’s natural and living environments.
The two weeks at Färgfabriken will present a sequence of student led workshops, installations, performances, videos, and temporary exhibits outlining the world in its state of “new normal.” Open to the public.
This is the concluding series of workshops and performative public engagements to be featured in Färgfabriken’s Open Studio. Renewal and Metamorphosis is developed and run by the participants enrolled in this year’s R-Lab Marvels and Catastrophes course held at the Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm. All events are open to the public, children and adults alike, please come, and please share!
Ongoing 23 May – 2 June
Lövholmen Gerda Persson
Lövholmen is a small part of the world that will soon be gone forever and we will all forget what it was like. Get your own free souvenir! To remember it I am making concrete models in scale 1:400 of the building Spredfabriken. The model is 9x9x5 cm. If you would like to have one please contact me Pick up your souvenir between May 29th and June 2nd at Färgfabriken.
The sun rises every morning at the same place and sets every evening at the opposite side Ana Barata Martins.
The sun rises every morning at the same place and sets every evening at the opposite side, is an artwork composed by several elements: a site-specific textile piece by the closest water of Fargfabriken, a second textile piece at the Open studio space, and photo documentation of the current development of Årstafältet. The fabric pieces are dyed with found materials and natural pigments from Årstafältet and a text by Maria Lamas is imprinted in them. The artwork intends to be critical towards exploitation processes natural areas goes through as most of accessible nature is man made or developed for commercial and industry purposes.
A Cartography of the Anthropocene In the current moment we see an increase in so-called climate angst as well as climate crisis awareness, yet people feel a lack of any fruitful means of combating it. Can capital be seen? How do you map the unmappable? What are the individual components that comprise the issue of climate change? You are invitied to come and view an attempt at mapping the so called anthropocene, as well as to perhaps add your own take on it. Andres Villarreal
21th century icon: How do we build up an image of our contemporary mythology? Jérôme Malpel
A mere heap Bo Pilo Transactive memory exercises and tool making workshops with the objective to revive and exercise agency, interruption, and recall as operative abilities in a new landscape without buildings.
In search of the miraculous through catastrophe Anna Asplind
“Any old map will do” was the conclusion when a small Hungarian military unit found their way through a snowstorm in the Alps with the help from a map over the Pyrenees. Can we use the map from one place or a situation to gain new insights about here and now? This time with a map of the utterly symbol of catastrophe – Pompeji, layered with the utterly aim to avoid catastrophe – the evacuation plan of Operation Stockholm 1961.
Healing Tree Åsa Agerstam
The belief that the forest is a healing force goes back to Nordic folk-medicine where disfigured, odd trees could function as a receiver for human pain. By transmitting the disease materially and symbolically, the tree became the new carrier of the pain. The person cutting it down took a risk of catching whatever disease the tree was carrying. The physical surrounding of such a tree could also be used as a place of sacrifice where one could make a wish. With a trial and error perspective of a designer, a transformative replica of The Tree with it ́s original purpose will be made. Your intention is what makes it real.
1. The Art of Disaster Interruptive: the Earth School, Istanbul Design Biennial, September
2. Lexicon of Marvels and Disasters, Färgfabriken
3. Nordic Hazardlands, UMA, Umeå
4. Marvels and Catastrophes: Renewal and Metamorphosis, Färgfabriken
The first movement, The Art of Disaster Interruptive, premiered in September of 2018 at the 4th Design Biennial in Istanbul. Located in the Earth School, the weeklong workshop dealt with remedial environmental practices inspired by the Şişhane crafts district in the heart of Istanbul. The second workshop, the Lexicon of Marvels and Disasters, held in January of 2019, was a one-day experimental Open Studio event developed to interact with the public, and called for submissions of ideas on what we will need to have with us to confront this ever changing present. The third movement, Nordic Hazardlands, took place in the northern Swedish city of Umeå at the UMA school of architecture at the end of March. The program included a seminar with the director of IBA in Thüringen Germany, and concluded with an initial draft for an Almanac for 2020.
Marvels & Catastrophes är ett projekt av R-lab, en post-graduate-kurs på Kungliga Konsthögskolan ledd av Peter Lang. Kursen utforskar människans upppfinningsrikedom i samband med naturkatastrofer, oförutsädda klimathändelser och katastrofer orsakade av människor.
Open Studio påbörjades 2017 genom samarbetet med konst- och designgruppen Very Very Gold, då Färgfabriken bestämde sig för att utforska olika sätt att exponera den kreativa tanken och handlingen, innan den intagit sin slutgiltiga form, samtidigt som vi ville föra kreatörer och publik närmare varandra.
Open Studio handlar om att exponera den kreativa tanken när den fortfarande befinner sig i rörelse. Till Open Studio bjuder Färgfabriken in olika spännande kreatörer att under en kort tid ta över ett projektrum.