Intense activity at Documenta

Composting is a reunion practice, a ritual of collecting the unwanted and the decaying, a meeting and participation of diverse materials in a promising Bin where to grow beneficial ingredients to nourish a shared terrain, liveable and prosperous with the encounters, friendships, and shared learnings which are released on our networking space.

Giulia Rossini and Tyuki Imamura on behalf of Composting Knowledge

The Composting Knowledge network is an ongoing experimental network for knowledge production linked to Documenta 15 at the initiative of Ruangrupa. Right now, feverish activity is taking place in the network’s shared premises in the exhibition area, as Färgfabriken’s Joachim Granit and the artist Jens Evaldsson build a structure to artistically process thoughts about compost as a metaphor and idea model for joint learning and through this invite both the network and the audience to continue to reflect and immerse themselfes.

Färgfabriken participates through Jens Evaldsson and Joachim Granit who built a sculpture, Comosting Dome, on site during 4 intense days in a close dialogue with the audience.

Composting Knowledge workshop

10 September

A gathering and discussion with the Composting Knowledge Network.
Time: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: ruruHaus, Kassel, Germany

Mor information here.

In collaboration with IASPIS – the Swedish Arts grants Committee’s International Programme for Visual and Applied Arts

With support from the Swedish Arts Council