Experiment Stockholm

EXPERIMENT STOCKHOLM is a project that raises questions about, and seeks to examine and experiment with, strategies and solutions for dealing with the challenges of a rapidly growing Stockholm region. What kind of society are we building for future generations? How are we to cope with unforeseen events? How could the built and the green interact in the city environment? Experiment Stockholm is a laboratory made up of the exhibition spaces, of seminars, debates and other events. We hope many people will meet in this experimental environment where we challenge old ways and propose and test new models and ideas together.

Why Experiment Stockholm?

Experiment Stockholm is an exhibition that wants to unlock static thinking. How can Stockholm become a more exciting and attractive place to live in? A Stockholm looking to integrate rather than segregate, a Stockholm that is bigger than just the inner city.

What do we mean by experiment? Well, to instigate discussion in a playful manner but with a certain degree of seriousness, about how Stockholm could become an example for new thinking both on a small and on a large scale. To succeed you need to try different things and create space for ideas and initiatives.

Read the curator statement
by Joachim Granit, Creative Director Färgfabriken



Experiment Stockholm wants to give both professionals within urban development and citizens who might find they have little influence, the opportunities to find new ways to approach the issues.

It is evident that everyone realizes that we live in a rapidly changing world full of great challenges. We also see that the challenges are part of a complex system. By identifying common issues and highlight the importance of quality in form and function, we can lay the foundations for a better use of resources. To do so we work with different themes. What interactions and common interests can be found among them?

City, suburb, countryside

Interaction and integration

Nodes and hubs

The ”Bigfoot” 

Dialogue is not monologue

Informal methods

Varied building, varied functions

Beyond the car age

Planning for the unplanned

Further reading

The Self-Building City and Urban Resilience

by Jan Rydén

Some Thoughts on Dromology and Urban Techno Topology

by Helena Björnesjö


Experiment Stockholm are developed through partnerships with a number of actors involved in the Stockholm region’s development.

Arkitekter utan gränser, Brostaden, Ekologigruppen, Energimyndigheten, Goethe Institut, Haninge kommun, Nederländska ambassaden, Huddinge kommun, Knivsta kommun, Movium, Mälardalsrådet, Nacka kommun, Naturvårdsverket, Nordbygg, Nordregio, Philips, Ramböll, Riksbyggen, Separett, Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholms stad, Sundbybergs stad, Sveriges Arkitekter, Sveriges Träbyggnadskansli, Sweco, Södermalms Trä, Södertälje kommun, Totally Stockholm, Vasakronan