Workshops and seminars
A series of open seminars on the infrastructure development of the Stockholm region is part of the Orientation Course Stockholm on the Move organised in cooperation with KTH, with invited guests, international experts and representatives from local stakeholders. Stockholm on the Move will also be an exhibition at the art and architecture institution Färgfabriken in the autumn 2012 where among other things the result from the work in the orientation course will be presented.
The planning of cities today is diffuse with the involvement of multiple stakeholders often with competing agendas. To a large extent architects and planners are often absent in dealing with the complexities of infrastructures within urban planning. Currently, the professional focus is often limited to the scale of the building, the street and the parameter block in an attempt to grasp the image of the good city life rather than tackling the increasingly complex question of urban movements and flows. The infrastructures are not only important for the physical aspects of the street and the flow of traffic. They are instrumental in the patterns of urban segregation, spatial-cultural and socio-economic patterns within the city.
The current development of the future infrastructures in the Stockholm region set the spatial framework for the urban development and the life for its inhabitants. One of the greatest challenges for cities of tomorrow will be how architecture intersects with mobility. The seminar and the forthcoming exhibition Stockholm on the Move will discuss urban flows, transport systems, and traffic landscapes as well as large-scale infrastructural systems for water, energy, and waste in the region and how these issues relate to urban life urban form. The seminar will also be a part of an orientation course at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology where students will have an opportunity, through the direct engagement with involved stakeholders, to test and propose urban strategies for the development of the Stockholm region. The seminar is an opportunity for local stakeholders to meet with academia and international expertise.
Orientation Course Stockholm on the Move
This year’s Master’s Level orientation course, organised by KTH School of Architecture, is an initial stage of series of events, seminars and workshops that will precede the exhibition Stockholm on the Move opening at Färgfabriken in Stockholm October 25, 2012. The result of the course will be used and processed in a follow up workshop the second part of September. The final exhibit will feature the results of the course and the workshop.
Regional Scale
In the regional scale, relations and connections between municipalities, different urban landscapes, resources and infrastructures become apparent. In order to treat the infrastructure of the entire region there is a need for dialogue and negotiation between a wide range of stakeholders. The complexity and scale at the regional level also necessitate participation by several different professions and fields of research.
Bottom Up
This is a development processes that grow from the community and local initiatives. The focus here lies with solving problems from a neighborhood scale and it deals with different aspects of participatory planning.
Technical Aspects
Technology and project methods have historically been the means and the driving force of the development of cities. Cities increasingly depend on new technologies in order to develop and solve challenges such as increased speed, efficiency of transportation systems, energy issues, use of natural resources, emissions, reuse of urban waste, etc.
The seminars from the Prologue, Hybrid Frameworks: Re-engaging infrastructure, is now available on the KTH YouTube project channel.
Below is a lecture by architect Teddy Cruz on “bottom up” perspectives.
Public seminars
The seminars will consist of a series of thematically focused lectures that discuss future infrastructure and urban development from diverse perspectives and scales. Each day will consist of three to four lectures: by local stakeholders and two invited international guests. The days will have the following themes and time schedule:
August 29:
Regional scale, large-scale projects and the effect on the city.
13.30 Trafikverket
14.00 SBK
14.30 SL
15.00 Break
15.40 Ole B. Jensen – Professor in “Urban Theory”, Aalborgs University, Denmark
16.30 Ute Schneider – Director KCAP, Zürich, Switzerland
17.20 Discussion
18.00 End
August 30:
Bottom up approaches, the dynamic relation between infrastructure and the city.
13.30 Skanska
14.00 Naturskyddsföreningen
14.30 Ana Betancour – Architect, and Professor in Urban Design at the School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sverige
15.00 Break
15.40 Basurama, represented by Juan López-Aranguren Blazquez, Madrid, Spain
16.30 Teddy Cruz, Professor in “Public Culture and Urbanism”, University of California, San Diego, USA
17.20 Discussion
18.00 End
August 31:
Technical aspects of infrastructure in the urban environment.
13.30 Sweco
14.00 Förbifarten
14.30 Göran Cars
15.00 Break
15.40 Helmut Meyer, Transsolar Klima Enigneering, Stuttgart, Germany
16.30 Korinna Thilén, Professor TU München and HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany
17.20 Discussion
18.00 End
The program is also available as pdf including presentations of themes and participants.