UrSinnen – An art exhibition about our innate creativity
Group exhibition
Main hall and Project rooms, Färgfabriken
Participators: Bigert & Bergström, Candice Breitz, Simon Heijdens, Lundahl&Seitl, Lars Siltberg, Goran Kajfes och David Österberg, Nina Katchadourian, Ebba Matz och Kevin Schmidt, Leif Brodersen
Curator Mats Bigert
The works of art in the exhibition UrSinnen offer a way for children and adults to share the experience on equal terms. UrSinnen seeks to offer an aesthetic experience of value to everyone, regardless of age or previous knowledge. The exhibition is a result of discussions and experiments that started in 2011 between Färgfabriken, Artikel 31, Uppsala Child and Babylab, HDK in Gothenburg.
The exhibition, urSinnen, at Färgfabriken, is a meeting between art and research about babies. We all begin life as infants. New ground breaking baby research teaches us not only about babies, but also about the emotional life, moral conception and aesthetic appreciation of adults. What are the questions researchers are asking today about babies and their consciousness or perception? How might artists create works that respond to the baby’s sensory ability to perceive the world?
To access art and culture is a democratic right that is not limited by age . Research into both art and natural science shows that babies can appreciate contemporary art. The latest findings in international brain research demonstrate that human capacity for creativity and improvisation already begins in infancy. The baby’s way of understanding its new world can be compared to the artist and researcher’s joy in exploring unknown terrain where visions and theories are continuously applied to new realities. UrSinnen explores these new findings and aesthetic experiences in a wide-ranging manner to be shared by people of all ages.
The Interactive Ebook
UrSinnen includes an interactive ebook that offers a continuation of a visit to the exhibition. In the ebook the visitor will meet the participating artists and find contributions by researchers from different disciplines, such as Tor Wennerberg, psychologist and author; Suzanne Osten, director and author; as well as by researchers from Uppsala’s child and baby lab, philosophers and baby therapists.
The project is made in collaboration with Article 31, an organization that supports children’s right freely to participate in cultural and artistic life, as stated in artikel 31 of the Charter on Rights of the Child.