Short Film Day 2021  stroller cinema

21 December 2021

Film showing 

Big hall, Färgfabriken 

On the 21st of December, the big hall at Färgfabriken opens up for short film viewings on the shortest day of the year! The viewings are especially targeted to parents and children, but everyone is welcome. Free entry, but pre-registration needed. We offer popcorn and drinks to everyone! 



The film packet Röst (36 min) as trolley movie viewing in collaboration with Svenska med Baby. 


The film packet Vatten över huvudet (30 min) and Djurvännerna (36 min) for elementary school and middle school classes. 


The film packet Kortfilmspaketet 13-16 år (66 min) for upper secondary school.  

About the Short Film Day 

December 21st is the shortest day of the year. It is also the day when we indulge in short films of all sorts. Folkets Bio is in charge of the Short Film Day with support from the Swedish Film Institute. 

2020 was a special year, smitten with the pandemic, where several arrangers had to cancel their physical events. But with creative solutions, the Short Film Day could welcome new collaborations and digital viewings on different platforms that attracted about 3000 short film watchers! 

The concept of Short film day started in France in 2011 and exists today in over 20 countries in the Northern Hemisphere. In Sweden, the Short Film Day started in 2014 and is growing each year. 

In the partnership with

The Short Film Day is supported by the Swedish Film Institute and Folkets Bio