Planning for Urban Diversity – Ett symposium om kreativ stadsutveckling

19 February 2015, 20 February 2015

Takvåningen, Färgfabriken

Thursday February 19, 13.00 – 17.00
The 27th Municipality. Interpretation and freedom in the urban planning process.
The creative municipality.

Färgfabriken hosts a creative afternoon with short inspirational talks interspersed with room for free discussion between all participants, focusing on different solutions for how planning would work in a Stockholm dream municipality: the 27th municipality. The title is a nod to the French association La 27e Région working with innovation in the public sector.Swedish urban planning processes are often described as cumbersome, bureaucratic, costly and slow. We want to take a different approach and investigate why it works the way it does, and what is actually possible within the prevailing laws. How can we plan for greater urban diversity, both architectural and social? Can we change practices, and what changes are needed? Which municipalities and other stakeholders will take the lead? In Almere, NL, for example, 3,000 households have been given the opportunity to build freely according to simple rules. What were the economic, social and physical effects?

Preliminary program:
13.00 – 13.15: Introduction. Jan Rydén, curator, Färgfabriken

13.15 – 13.30: Why does Swedish urban planning look like it does today? Speaker: Håkan Forsell, Urban historian, Stockholm University.

13.30 – 13.45: Formal and informal power in the planning process. Learning from Årsta. Speaker Lukas Smas, researcher Nordregio.

13.45 – 14.15: Salon. Time for conversation and tea/coffee.

14.15 – 14.45: How to organize the freedom to build. Speaker Jacqueline Tellinga, Masterplan developer, Almere Poort, Netherlands. What type of city emerges with less micromanagement? What are the benefits?

14.45 -15.15: Salon. Time for reflection and conversation.

15.15 -15.30: Planning for urban resilience – the urban sustainable development lab. Sara Borgström, researcher at Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University.

15.30 – 15.45: To govern with quality and clear frameworks. Is more “skeleton-planning” a way forward? Speaker: Anna Rex, The city of Stockholm

15.45 – 16.30: Salon. Time for conversation and tea/coffee.

16.30 – 17.00: Conclusion. End of official program

17.00:  Possibility to take part of a guided tour of the exhibition ”Patchwork of narratives: Beirut & Mostar” at Färgfabriken.
The bar will be open for food and drinks until 19.00.

Friday February 20, 9.15 – 12.00
Building Urban Diversity
Self-Build Bottom-up evolution and the resilient city

Could small-scale solutions have large-scale effects? We need to get a bigger variety of stakeholders to build in the urban context to create a more varied and resilient city. It could be that for example baugruppen, private self-builders, or small construction companies takes on more active roles in the urban context. This kind of evolution would also have a good physical and social fit with small-scale infrastructure and circular economy solutions.
Inspiration and examples from Stockholm, Amsterdam and Berlin are interspersed with freer discussion forms.

09.15 – 09.30 Small scale alterations in Large scale structures – how to use the toolbox of the Millionprogram areas. Speaker: Klas Ruin, Spridd arkitekter, Stockholm.

09.30 – 10.00 The Self-building City Cook Book. Organizational, Financial and Technical Recipes. Speaker: Lilet Breddels, Archis/Volume, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Self Building Building, is a new model for urbanism and architecture, transforming the current top-down building practice into a more flexible system.

10.00 – 10.30 Baugemeinshaft R50 (Ritterstrasse 50) in Berlin. Speaker: Christoph Schmidt, architect, active in Berlin.  Gives us his views on how baugemeinshafts (home-building cooperatives) work as part of the urban development in Germany.

10.30 – 11.00 Salon. Conversation and coffee.

11.00 – 11.15 Variation in Vallastaden: High and low, all now! Speaker: Okidoki architects, Gothenburg. About the intentions of Vallastaden of Linköping and experiences so far. What works, what is more difficult than excptected?

11.15 – 11.30  The Inbetween-city – a strategy for Stockholm’s growth with the starting point in residential areas with single family housing. Speaker: Lisa Deurell, Paradiso architects, Stockholm.

11.30 – 12.00 Conclusion.

In collaboration with

These events are part of a collaboration between the EU-project “Connected things about future, cities and people” and Färgfabriken’s project “Experiment Stockholm”. With support from the Goethe institute and the Netherlands Embassy in Sweden.