Planet B  School play. Years 3–6.

24 January 2022, 25 January 2022, 26 January 2022, 27 January 2022, 28 January 2022


Top floor, Färgfabriken 

Participants: Staffan Lindberg, Johan G:son Berg and Lena Jonhäll have with composer Daniel Nelson and writer Tuvalisa Rangström developed Planet B. 

Costume: Ulrika van Gelder. 


Planet B is a dramatized concert, built on philosophical questions and with new contemporary music. In a fun and playful way, we tell the story of the anti-hero Staffan who is sent out to outer space to look for a new planet for humanity – a Planet B. 

In the performance, the audience is given three pauses for thought where they can help Staffan choose by voting for one of two clear options. But it is important to think through your choice carefully. How do you do choose? Can you get help from philosophy? 

Alienation, environment, and morality are the themes addressed in this show, which both want to show the possibility of thinking but also to attract laughter, touch and shake things up. It becomes a natural part of the class’ value-based work, both through the students being able to further finance the questions on their own, but also through continued philosophical conversations in the classroom with the help of the teacher and our teacher guidance. 

In the teacher’s guide on philosophical conversations in class, an in-depth look at some of the issues raised by the drama is given. It also contains a short introduction to a way of having philosophical conversations with children and young people based on a cultural experience, as well as tips and tricks for how to make it a philosophical conversation.