Per Svensson Alchemy – The All Seeing Eye

29 September 2018 2 December 2018

Solo exhibition
Main hall, Färgfabriken

In the autumn of 2018 the artist and musician Per Svensson (b. 1965) will return to Lövholmen, with the exhibition Alchemy – The All Seeing Eye at Färgfabriken. For a number of years Per Svensson, with a cluster of other artists, was based at the now defunct Kolsyrefabriken (carbonic acid factory), next door to Färgfabriken. Per Svensson has close ties to the place and he speaks of coming home. The exhibition will subsequently move to his actual home district, the so-called Majorna in Gothenburg and will be shown in the spring of 2019 at Röda Sten konsthall.

Much of what is conjured in this exhibition is highly open to layered readings. The associations proposed by Per Svensson are only delimited by our own references as viewers, listeners and even accomplices. The variety of images, elements and proposals juxtaposed in the exhibition create a form of progression or journey that the audience is invited to join, a journey to the worlds of Alchemy, Art and Architecture. The route through the exhibition proposes a kind of discovery that reveals not a single world, but a series of glimpses that suggest larger contexts. Per Svensson purposely includes elements that have multiple readings in different disciplines, religions and cultures, throughout history and across the globe, to create situations in which any certain reading can only be temporary.

As a compliment to the exhibition the book Per Svensson – ALCHEMY / ART / ARCHITECTURE will be released during the exhibition.

Photo Annika von Hausswolff

About the artist

Artist Per Svensson works in the fields of sculpture, painting, drawing, sound installation, film and architecture. Svensson is educated at The Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm 1985-1990, and at The Royal Institute of Art Department for Architecture in Stockholm 1999-2000. His works have been exhibited both in Sweden and internationally at The Modern Museum in Stockholm and Malmö, Ystad Art Museum, Lusaka National Museum Zambia, LACE in Los Angeles, Heliostrum in Köln, The Art Acadamy in Budapest, The Gothenburg Museum of Art and MHR in Reykjavik, among others.

Further reading

Per Svensson’s art has found its way home
Emilia Rosenqvist, curator Färgfabriken

Notes on Per Svensson’s Art and Science
Mariangela Mendez Prencke, curator Röda Sten konsthall

Download the exhibition handout with descriptions of the artworks.


The exhibition is a co-production between Färgfabriken and Röda Sten konsthall. The exhibition then toured to Luleå konsthall och Seinäjoki konsthall in Finland.

Med stöd från

Kungl. Akademien för de fria Konsterna, Helge Axelsson Johnsons Stiftelse, Längmanska Kulturfonden