NOW™ – Färgfabriken proudly presents a new generation of contemporary fashion photographers.
Group exhibition
Main hall, Färgfabriken
The exhibition photographers are: Ola Bergengren, Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schum, Cedric Buchet, Jeff Burton, Anders Edström, Anna Gaskell Lee Jenkins, Jeanne-Pierre Khazem, Michelle Mallard, Phil Poynter, Jeff Reidell, Maurice Scheltens, Norbert Shoerner, Sølve Sundsbø, Paul Wetherell, Andre Wolff, Guido Mocafico, Jeff Reidel, Stefan Ruiz.
NOW™ is one of Färgfabriken’s big exhibition efforts – and will end this century and begin the new one. It is an exhibition which not only showcases some of the world’s leading younger fashion photographers but also, in a new way, examines the present and how images, looks and styles are created in today’s media landscape.
NOW™ will feature a selsection of photographers from those currently most in demand. most of them work variously in New York, London and Paris for fashion and trend magazines such as The Face, Purple, Vogue, ID or Self Service. They also work for established fashion houses in Paris, Milan and New York. Between shoots, they display their work in galleries and museums.
The difference between magazine assignments, commercial shoots and artistivally conceived work here appears negligible: the photographers’ attitude or degree of independence is unaffected by whether they are shooting editorial fashion, pure advertising or a gallery commission.
The exhibition will contain a selection of images from 16 photographers. The images were originally meant to be published in magazines. Now they are united in an exhibition.
NOW™ is a joint initiative of Färgfabriken, Stockholm new and the Swedish-born photographer André Wolff, who made the selection of photographers. The exhibition will be complemented by a 300-page catalogue designed by Henrik Nygren.
The exhibition was realized with the generous support from: Beckers, Svenskt Papper, Tryckhus 2, The Foundation Culture of the Future and The Swedish Institute.