Max Fredriksson – Bardo Tibet. From monk life to city life. Documentary photographs from Tibet.

16 December 2000 28 January 2001

Photo exhibition

Max Fredriksson is a photographer who shows the exhibition Bardo Tibet, a series of documentary photographs taken in Tibet, northern India and Nepal during a number of travels 1996-1998. The images paint a broad picture of contemporary Tibet, with everything from monk life to city life, from the beauty of nature to the reality of politics.

In connection with the exhibition the book Bardo Tibet is released, published by Fisher Förlag. In the book Max Fredriksson’s photos are accompanied by a text by Carl Abrahamsson. On the 18th of January, Färgfabriken arranges a discussion (with Kent Härstedt and Britt-Marie Mattson among others) around the issue of Tibet.

Max Fredriksson graduated from Stockholm’s school of photography in 1990. He soon moved to New York where he worked as an assistant for Irvin Penn, Bruce Weber and Richard Kern. In 1996 he moved back to Stockholm to work as a documentary and fashion photographer. Max Fredriksson is also a drummer and has been playing with for example Sonic Youth, Sun Ra and Hasil Adkins.