H-A-C-K – a three dimensional sound- and video sculpture
Project room, Färgfabriken
Artists: Håkan Lidbo, Andreas Tilliander och Joel Dittrich
H-A-C-K is a threedimensional sound- and videosculpture by electronicaproducers Andreas Tilliander and Håkan Lidbo togheter with VJ Joel Dittrich.
In H-A-C-K music is created by all sounds accompanying old analogue stereos, what we usually think of as noise. These mostly unwanted sounds are here composed in a way that makes them ring beautifully instead.
In the exhibition the viewer is struck by a dense mass of impressions. Since the sound comes from several different sets of speakers, which all have a different character of sound and are placed at various heights and depths, the impression is multidimensional. Furthermore if you move around in the room an interactive experience is created where you discover completely new sounds and soundcombinations.
A set of performances where the participating artists and invited guests play the installation is also planned during the exhibition period.
*Finissage for H-A-C-K with Klubb Hybrid 14th oct 2011 (Live av och med Andreas Tilliander, Håkan Lidbo och Joel Dittrich)