Damn critics! – An exhibition on architectural criticism
Group exhibition
Project rooms, Färgfabriken
Curators: Morten Birk Jørgensen, Andrea Ougaard and Anders Rubing
Architectural critics: Gaute Brochmann, Sara Ettrup, Ylva Frid, Mari Hvattum, Martin Søberg, Rasmus Wærn
Designers: Element, Jonathan Houser, Kaleidoscope, Krupinski/Krupinska, Leth & Gori, Tham & Videgård
In the exhibition Damn critics! six Scandinavian architectural critics and six architectural offices are brought together in a discussion of critique and architecture. The exhibition raises important questions regarding architecture and construction: Is there a need for architectural critique? What part does critique play in regard to architecture and society? What role should architectural criticism play in the future?
Tre forsøg på at give form til et hus å vandre i, Jonathan Houser, 2020, in Damn critics! 2021, Färgfabriken.
Main website for the project Damn critics!
Supported by
Dreyers Fond, Nordisk Kulturfond, Statens Kunstfond (DK), Kulturrådet (NO) & Utenriksdepartementet/DOGA (NO).