Jung Mi Lee and Jon Sakata – an investigation of the relationship between music and architecture
28 August 2011
Main hall, Färgfabriken
Jung Mi Lee and Jon Sakata, two of Boston’s most famous pianists performs selections from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Die Kunst der Fuge and Robert Cogan’s Algebra and Mornings in the main hall at Färgfabriken. The one hour concert is an investigation of the relationship between music and architecture.
Over the past year, these two pianists have been investigating the interstices between architecture and music with John Stephen Ellis and his architecture students. Their interests lays in the way that music can transform the experience of architectural space and how architecture can transform the experience of music. Throughout the travel in northern Europe they will perform at significant architectural spaces in Helsinki, Oslo, Tallin, Stockholm and Berlin.
The intention will be to offer a series on short concerts, open to the public, which culminated with an experimental concert at the KRAFTWERK MITTE in Berlin on Sunday September 04. 2011.