Fredrik Hofwander Beckers Art Award 2007
Scholarship exhibition
Main hall, Färgfabriken
The Becker Art Award of 150,000 SEK – which is awarded for the 21th consecutive year – goes to Fredrik Hofwander, who is born in 1973 and has graduated from Malmö Art College in 2002.
Jury statement
Fredrik Hofwander is an artist who often seeks out larger formats and who free spiritually and with a great sense for detail finds his own world, his own expression, through an intricately motivational sampling technique, often with the photograph as the starting point. Fredrik Hofwander is skilful in assessing the temperature of his surroundings, his suburbian surroundings, and he seeks to illustrate a society in change. What we become aware of is drawing which in its mood resembles mental association and improvisation, despite the fact that what we really see is not the actual moment in happening, but rather drawn through a caretaking and time consuming process. With Fredrik Hofwander, pencil drawings as an art form takes a step forward and fuses with photography and is elegantly elevated to an independent art form still in search for its own rules and possibilities. Fredrik Hofwander is awarded the 2007 Becker Art Scholarship of 150.000 Swedish Kronas for his ability, with great care and concentration, to create magical rooms – both real and absurd.
On behalf of the Jury/Mårten Castenfors
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