Andrey Lublinsky – Soft and Hard. Young conceptual designer at Färgfabriken
Staircase, Färgfabriken
The young Russian designer and artist Andrey Lublinsky is making an installation in the stairways of Färgfabriken.
Lubinsky shows his mobile exhibition Soft and Hard, which, as the title indicates, is about contrasts of different kind, between power and empathy, between sign and sensualism. The exhibition is made of 21 monochrome plates (as a tribute to Kasimir Malevitj) on which are mounted little white soft toys that the artist has made. Instead of faces different signs and symbols have been applied in each soft toy, logotypes, graphical symbols, signs of power, signs referring to artists etc. The heritage from Malevitj is put in relation to a contemporary situation.
About the artist
Andrey Lublinsky is born 1972 and is part of a new generation of artists and designers in St. Petersburg, Russia. He is a member of the group “100 projects”. His exhibition at Färgfabriken is a result of Färgfabriken’s involvement in the Curator school at the State University in St. Petersburg.