Releasefest för Tabula Rasa Magazine #4 och fotoutställning i samarbete med Badland, 15 mars kl 19–23 i Smedjan, Färgfabriken.

BadLand and Tabula Rasa are collaborating on a one-night exhibition at Färgfabriken that celebrates diverse talent, and as a prelude to Tabula Rasa Magazine’s fourth volume, the Performance Issue, to be published in October 2018.

Paticipating artists: Märta Thisner, Frida Vega Salomonsson, Therese Öhrvall, Cécile Smetana Baudier,
Angelina Bergenwall, Olivia Kasterbring / Julia Gumpert / Ulrika Bandeira, Eli Schmidt, Ian Baguskas, Carolyne Teston, Charles Caesar, Magdalena Siwicka, Jake Sigl, Danielle Ezzo, Elena Montemurro och Renell Medrano

BadLand is a Creative Management platform and Production Company for still and motion content based in Stockholm and Copenhagen. Tabula Rasa is a non-profit organization that gives artists a platform to collaborate and create without commercial restraints.

DJs: Andreas Almkvist, Moa Lönnå, Thomas Henriksson