Seminar about temporary architecture 21 Oct at Färgfabriken.

Bridging: Temporary architecture as catalyst for change

Welcome to a half-day international seminar to explore and discuss: international seminar to explore and discuss:

• What are temporary projects?
• How can they inspire and facilitate youth involvement?
• How can they spark public debate and participation in the planning process?
• The economics of open space and child-friendly cities

Presenters include:

• Ivana Malinovic, founder, Belgrade Flower Festival, RS
• Elger Blitz, founder, Carve, NL
• Pye Aurell Ehrström, founder, Marge Arkitekter, SE
• Maria Nordström, researcher, children in dense environments, Stockholm Univeristy/SLU, SE
• Mariska van den Berg, Urbania Hoeve/author, Urbanites Transform The City, NL
• Karolina Keyzer, stadsarkitekt, Stockholm, SE

Initiators: Shira Jacobs, Tengbom, and Magdalena Möne, Ekologigruppen

Moderator: Matilda Stannow, Sweco Architects

Questions? Please contact:, 08-525 20 117 and, 08-412 57 89

Vegetarian food will be served throughout the seminar. Special needs? Let us know when you register!

Location: Färgfabriken, Stockholm
Date/Time: 21 October 2014, 8.30–13.30
RSVP: No later than October 10, 2014 to
Cost: 350 SEK Breakfast, coffee and lunch are included Welcome!