Global tendencies – what kind of society are we building ourselves into?
Date: November 15th 2012, 15.00–17.30
Place: Färgfabriken
Free entrance!
The first conference during Stockholm on the Move focus on the global tendencies within infrastructure and city planning.What are the global trends within infrastructure and urban development? What innovative solutions can be found around the world? What is common, what is different and what can we learn from other places?
“It is, in fact, in the most depressed, disenfranchised and underrepresented neighborhoods that some of the more interesting social and political agendas have begun to emerge. The most inventive, progressive, experimental projects have not happened in China or the Emirates (where architecture is so often treated as an object or icon), but within the context of infrastructure, in Latin America.”
Teddy Cruz, architect and professor University of California
The participants: Hebatella Abouelfadl cityplanner and professor, Alexandria, Egypt; Ognen Marina, architect and professor, Skopje, Macedonia; Vidar Glette, architect and former coordinator UN Habitat; Georg-Friedrich Koppen, city-planner, Münich, Germany; Magnus Carson, senior research fellow, SEI, Sweden. Moderator Karsten Thurfjell (SR).
The conference is carried out in cooperation with The Goethe Institute