Reclaiming Futures – Storying change
Are you as a human being a part of nature? Is nature a part of you? In the Reclaiming Futures project, young people set the agenda for conversations about the environment, the climate and the future. Through workshops, filmmaking, conversations and a science festival, the young people shape their relationship to the natural environment and climate impact. The project is a way to investigate new forms of science communication of climate change and posthumanities.
Science and arts festival 2 April 2022!
The Reclaiming Futures – Storying Change festival is a philosophy, science and culture program for young and others who are curious. A science festival with conversations, creative expressions, art and music to address issues about our environment, the climate and the future. Read more here.

The project has its own website. (in Swedish only)
During the project period 2021–2023 it will be updated with both popular science and academic articles, as well as making tools and methods available to support teachers and educators who want to work with climate issues in the borderland between science and the humanities.
Since most of the content and information about the project is in Swedish, feel free to contact us for more information!
Project partners
The Post Humanities Hub – group of researchers
Färgfabriken – art space + Färgfabriken’s youth council
Kajman Media – science journalist and communicaiton
Karin Wegsjö Produktion – dokumentary film
Bromma gymnasium – students and teacher
Artlab Gnesta – meeting space for art and society, and host for Squid Squad art action group for youth
KTH Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
Reclaiming Futures, Storying Change is financed by Formas.