The Volans Project – KammarensembleN porträtterar tonsättaren Kevin Volans
1 March 2014, 8 March 2014, 9 March 2014
Uruppförande av två musikaliska verk
Stora salen, Färgfabriken
Med: KamarmusikensembleN
Solist: Jonny Axelsson
Kammarensembeln plays Percussion Concerto and The Partenheimer project by Kevin Volans.
KammarensembleN portrays composer Kevin Volans by two major works: the world premiere of Percussion Concerto, commissioned by KammarensembleN with support from the Irish Arts Council, and The Partenheimer Project. In both works the ensemble is disposed into several smaller constellations deployed in the Färgfabriken Art Gallery. In terms of their expression the works have clearly distinctive characters; the percussion concerto sometimes have a very high intensity, while the Partenheimer Project is characterized more by calmness and transparency. Common to them is that they are located on the boundary between visual art installations and the traditional concerto form.
The soloist Jonny Axelsson has had continuing collaboration with Kevin Volans since 1997 and he played the solo works for percussion at his 60th anniversary concert at the Wigmore Hall in London in 2009.
Lecture: Saturday 1/3 at 14:00. The composer Kevin Volans will give a talk and the soloist Jonny Axelsson will perform parts of the next weekend’s percussion concerts.
Concert: Two newly composed works by Kevin Volans performed by Kamarmusikensembeln at Färgfabriken. 14:00 Saturday 8/3 and Sunday, 9/3. Admission is included in the entrance fee.
About Volans
Kevin Volans was born in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, and studied with Karlheinz Stockhausen and Mauricio Kagel in Cologne. He now is an Irish citizen and lives in Co. Cork. In the mid-seventies his work was associated with the New Simplicity – the beginnings of Post-Modernism in Germany.
In 1979 after several research trips to South Africa, he began a series of pieces based on African composition techniques, which occupied him for the next 10 years. After a productive collaboration with the Kronos quartet in the 1980s his work, principally in the field of chamber and orchestral music, has been regularly performed worldwide. The Kronos discs, White Man Sleeps and Pieces of Africa broke all records for string quartet disc sales.
In collaboration with
The Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH)