The Stockholm Biotope – On the overlapping infrastructure of nature and city
16 April 2015
Stockholm’s rapid growth rate is constantly a source for conflicts. Green areas are set against settlements, endangered species vs housing and history against the future. We want to turn this approach on its head and instead highlight how the built environment and nature are intertwined. Does the need for new constructions contradict the necessity of ecosystems? Can we think of the built structure as part of an ecosystem? How can we create genuinely sustainable cities, which also take into account the global ecological footprint? We want to consider the city and the region as a whole biotope. How can new settlements give us more natural, valuable green space and ecosystem services, rather than drain natural resources?
The city is our nature. Nature, our most important infrastructure. Speaker: Jan Rydén, Färgfabriken (See video above).
A social-ecological perspective on cities. Speaker: Erik Andersson, Stockholm Resilence Centre.
Green retrofits: How micro-parks add public space, biodiversity and manage stormwater, Shira Jacobs, Tengboms.
Combining the ecological and the social, Bishan Ang Mo Kio Park, Singapore. Speaker: Herbert Dreiseitl, Ramböll Liveable Cities Lab (LCL).
“Maretopia” visions for a sustainable floating Cultural Village. Speaker: Jens Evaldsson, artist.
Green strategies in urban development project. Speaker: Ulrika Hamrén, Ekologigruppen.