OSC09 – Festival, focusing on electronic music and art

13 August 2009 15 August 2009

Färgfabriken and Restaurant Landet has the pleasure of announcing the OSC09 festival, focusing on electronic music and art. For three days in the middle of august the exhibition space Färgfabriken will be changed into a place where atists, musicians, DJs, VJs, film screenings and installations schare the space. OSC09 will run from afternoon to lage night. OSC09 will be a diverse place for thought, experience and interaction – and for partying, of course.


The Juan Maclean (US), ADA (DE), Todd Terje (NO), Style of Eye, Scuba (UK), Robert Henke (Monolake) (DE), Anderas Tilliander (S), Trickski (DK), Bronnt Industries Kapital, Tennishhero, Mijk Van Dijk, Swedish VJ Union, Karin Lindh, Ulrika Sparre, Carl-Johan Rosén, Ann Rosén. Among others.

In collaboration with

Goethe Institut Schweden, Spectra, Svenska Musikklubben, EMS, Raketa, Swedish VJ union & Interaktiva Institutet.