Isolation | Communication – An exhibition with art and poetry

2 June 2020 14 June 2020

Group exhibition
Main hall, Färgfabriken

In a densely populated world, the concept of isolation has suddenly become central. In Sweden we are encouraged to keep social distance, in other countries it is not allowed to gather in groups of more than two people. Without any expereince of living in isolation, we must shift focus, staying behind our own walls as much as possible and try to make life work anyway.

Isolation | Communication is an exhibition initiated by the curator group Muskot in collaboration with Färgfabriken, born out of the prevailing covid-19 epidemic. The exhibition gathered art through an Open Call. The work submited for assessment represent the participating artists’ and poets’ artistic / literary practice at this very moment, under the current extreme circumstances. Over 500 entries were submitted for evaluation, 110 of which are shown at Färgfabriken. In this manner isolation can be broken and communication be established.

Further reading

Concept text by Jonas Ellerström

Open Call – closed for submissions


The purpose of the curator group Muskot is to promote and clarify trends in contemporary art and literature in the form of the exhibition and the event, and to create contact areas between words and images. Individual efforts can be brought together and extract strength from each other, the whole can be more than the sum of the parts. Muskot (Swedish for Nutmeg) is a spice used too little; it’s time to change that.

Muskot 2020 Fotograf Malin Arnedotter Bengtsson

Members: Clara Diesen, author and artist; Jonas Ellerström, author, translator and publisher; Torbjörn Johansson, artist and runs Kummelholmen and Martin Ålund, artist and musician.


The exhibition is made with support from Stockholm konst.



With support from the City of Stockholm, Region Stockholm and the Swedish Arts Council.