Den gudomliga boutiquen – the intertwined relationship between art, religion and capitalist machinery

25 August 2011 16 October 2011

Project rooms, Färgfabriken

Artists: Katarina Elvén and Karin Lindh

In Den gudomliga boutiquen (The divine boutique) Katarina Elvén and Karin Lindh look back at how the aesthetic and organization of our consumer culture once emerged.

The rise of this western cult, that has been present for about hundred years, created a new relation to the street, a forever-changed idea about the surface and a complex relationship between the object and its image. By using and appropriating the language and the architecture of the spectacle the works in the exhibition look at the intertwined relationship between art, religion and the capitalist machinery in the making of shopping as a dazzling cult.

Damernas Paradis (Ladies paradise) – an evening where the invited artists Ulrika Sparre, Petra Axelsson and Maja Hammarén presents one performance each within the exhibition Den gudomliga boutiquen (The Divine Boutique).

During the evening the audience will be abel to see:

Allt är bra (All is fine) by Ulrika Sparre. Ulrika Sparre’s Allt är bra is inspired of the old town watchers calls in the night to secure it’s residents that all is fine. Allt är bra (All is fine) periodically during the evening.

Scented Light of Paradise by Petra Axelsson. Petra Axelsson shows nine dioramas of the names of famous perfume manufacturers. In the shop 7.20 pm and 7.40 pm. Limited numbers of visitors.

A History of Shit a lecture by Maja Hammarén At the top floor. Entrance 8 to 8.15 pm.

Det stora glaset (The big glass) by Katarina Elvén and Karin Lindh. A printed pamphlet about the shopwindow, with room for advertising.